We need each other to become better

We need each other to become better

“I don’t know exactly who I am. It’s not that I’m trying to find myself, but I feel like I have the ability to choose who I am and haven’t decided who I want to be yet. I had this façade for myself while I was younger that I was a really good person with good intent, but as I got older and made more mistakes I realized that just as I have the potential of being very good and to become a celestial person, I also have the potential to become really bad. Part of being a good person is understanding that and having humility, recognizing your faults, and knowing that you have to rely on God to improve. However, I don’t think it’s just God and Jesus Christ who are needed to become a better person. We need each other. Part of being a good person is learning how to be harmonious in our relationships with imperfect people, even malicious people, because that’s what God does every day.”

Erik Robinson